Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Honduras Wins v Guatemlla(18 Jan 2011)

Today was a very energetic day with the Honduras team. We are all experiencing growth, and learning about our new friends and each other. We are working well as a team and doing much along side the people of Remoleno. The children were 'appy' to see us. They did very well with their lessons today, participating actively in the Salvation Bracelet lesson and made Tippy Taps. They spent the day teaching us to play soccer. They kept up with our spanish lessons and are eger to continue learning English. The women did the Diarrhea Doll lesson and the Oral Rehydration Solution lesson. On the drilling front, things were a bit of a different story. We had hoped to set the casing before we left today… All went well as we reamed the hole in the morning. We were ready to begin setting the casing but we got the screen on and down to where the second piece attached but could not get it to go any farther into the ground. So we had to remove it and attempt to ream the hole again. Unfortunately we had a series of technical malfunctions and were not able to complete any more today. Fortunately we have been able to solve several problems we did not know we had... We are ready to go straight on in the morning. At this point, the prediction is we will set the casing before lunch tomorrow. It is amazing how in the face of several set backs that we encountered today the laughter grew and we came closer together. PRAISE GOD! 

Kaylyn has helped us to know that laughter and love are the same in every language. We enjoyed fellowship over dinner with the Honduras national futbol team on their way to creaming the Guatemalan team (3-1 GOL!)


  1. Friend,

    The problem we have is that clay swells wen water is added and the 7-8 inch hole that was drilled sweled up and got smaller so that the 4 inch diameter pvc pipe (well casing) cound not be pushed down the new hole (newly drilled well). We will run the larger drill down the hole a second time and pull out the drill, push the plastic pipe down a second time, and have the well casing installed. After that we have the in county people pour a slab about the well, and wait for a larer amount of water to be pumped out to clear out any mud we stirred up, and we have a well. If 2 times does not work, we do it 3 times. Breakfast is ready, got to go.

    Bill Tice

  2. Praise God indeed. We are praying for your teams success with the well.

    Thank You Lord.
