Monday, January 11, 2010

Cedarbrook's First International Teams!

In just 10 short days, Cedarbrook Church will send out its first international mission teams! God has moved in the hearts of hundreds of "senders" who are praying and giving to send 14 people who will go and share the life-changing love of God in practical ways in 2 different locations.

A team of 6 people will leave on Thursday, January 21 for 10 days and go to Chincha, Peru to work on helping to rebuild adobe homes for people who lost everything in a devastating earthquake in August of 2007. This team will be working with
- an international relief and outreach ministry.

A second team of 8 people will leave on Friday, January 22 for Saba, Honduras to spend a week helping to drill a well for a village where people have no access to clean water. This team will be working with
Living Water International - whose goal is to provide a cup of water in Jesus' Name!

Please click on the links above to see more about what these teams will be doing and check in often in the next few weeks for information and pictures from our teams!!

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