Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednsday in Honduras.

Progress on the well remains on schedule. Actually, it was a pretty easy day in that regard. The well was again flushed out this morning to clear any remaining sand, which took about an hour. After that, the men of the village pretty much took over. They hand mixed mortar to backfill around the casing, then started working on the concrete pad that will surround the well. We would have just gotten in the way…they certainly are experts at mixing concrete right on the ground, and then getting it in place.

Our down time allowed the guys to spend significant time playing with the kids. We can, without any sort of doubt, declare that they have far more energy than us! It’s tough at times to get a break long enough to get out of the hot sun, but they sure enjoyed Frisbee, football, and of course soccer. 

Hygiene training continues to go well, especially with the children. They were ready for us when we arrived this morning, with tables and chairs all set in neat rows. Having space outside today was FAR better than being crammed under the small roof yesterday. Fortunately, Moms came back this afternoon, so the important lesson with ORS spoons was taught, and the spoons were given away. This allows them to make an electrolyte solution with sugar and salt to help with dehydration from sickness, etc. The lightbulb went on…with a number of mothers going directly to their children who were playing to have them drink the solution mix. The impact of why we are here really hit the team today.

Tomorrow morning, we return to the village to set the pump, and then have a dedication ceremony. We will be leaving the balls, etc. that we brought along to be used at the school. There are a number of kids that have really attached themselves to specific team members, so leaving them certainly won’t be easy. At least we know that God has been able to use us to significantly improve their quality of life.

Health of the team is almost back to normal, so we praise God for that. We will be staying in a different hotel tomorrow night…and oh yea…it’s on the Caribbean beach. Friday will be an R&R day, with the choice of a jungle canopy zip line, or snorkeling.

1 comment:

  1. you all are making a huge difference!! as joe would say "WOW"
